Willkommen im Zartbitter
Argelanderstr. 24
Bonn (Südstadt)

Zartbitter — Kneipe, Bier– und Weinlokal in der Bonner Südstadt Titelseite

Kneipe, Bier– und Weinlokal in der Bonner Südstadt

Basic information in English

Our beer and wine pub in the heart of "Bonner Südstadt.

How about combining a stroll through our lovely "Südstadt" with paying a visit to our familiar and cosy wine and beer pub? Our "Zartbitter" is nicely situated in the so called "Südstadt" of Bonn – the best and most beautiful residential area which was founded between 1850 and 1910 – those years of rapid industrial expansion and Wilhelminian style buildings in Germany. The area was nearly unharmed by the destruction of World War II.

In contrast to that the situation at the age of past war did not get off lightly because some buildings have been modernized inappropriately until the area was classified as a historical monument. Nevertheless our "Südstadt" has still remained an example of the Wilhelminian style up to now.

Enjoy this unique atmosphere in our "Zartbitter" or visit us before or after an interesting and informative guided tour (available in english! ) of the "Südstadt" by one of the experienced guides from Stattreisen Bonn".



täglich ab 18.00h
Sonntags Ruhetag
Samstags Ruhetag


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